Home Inspection Services

A pre-listing inspection is a professional examination of a property that is performed before the property is put on the market for sale.
A buyer’s inspection will help you decide if a home is right for you, and avoid homes that have substantial and costly defects.
Newly constructed homes need an objective third-party to inspect. The city or county inspectors often don’t catch everything, but we’ve been trained to have a keen eye for anything that could compromise a new home’s lifetime or safety.
Just because your home is new, doesn’t mean it is defect-free. At your 11-month mark, this may be your last chance to take advantage of your warranty!
We will accompany you through a walkthrough and inspection of the home you’re interested in buying, and assess its condition using our multi-point home inspection checklist.
$595+Additional Services

Getting a condo inspection isn’t something that people always think about, but it is just as important as getting a home inspection on a residential home.